Sunday, December 29, 2019

Summer learning journey Activity 1&2 Day 4

Summer learning journey activities. (4+4 points)

1 comment:

  1. Kia Orana Ifalame,

    It’s Kueni here, from the Summer Learning Journey. Well done on completing Activity 1 and 2 for Day four of Week 1!

    Thank you for sharing all the interesting facts and information you gathered while watching the video about Serena and Venus.

    This activity also asks you to write one thing you would still like to learn about the sisters after watching the video. What is one thing you would like to learn about them? You can reply to my comment, or you can edit your blog post.

    I really like that you have highlighted that you would never change your name because it is something special to you and it was handed down to your from your grandad. We share that in common, I was named after both my Grandma and she has passed away too. I think it is so special that we were gifted these names and it is only right that we carry their name with pride :)

    Have a great day,
