Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Summer Learning journey week 3 Day 2 Activity 3

Activity 3 (6 points) Coding

For this Activity I had to try out a coding site and write what I thought about it.
For this activity I made it to level 4 but I couldn't do level 5 cause it was to hard :c
What I thought about this site was........ It was FUN! it's like scratch but better.
It was easy to do and more fun looking. I'll probably mark this a 5/5. My thoughts of it was if it could add more things in it and yeah. THANK YOU!


Summer Learning journey Week 3 Day 2

Activity 1 (4 points)

For this Activity I chose out of 1 and 2 pieces of art, and what I have to do is describe it in detail.
I also have to add as much detail as I can. Thankyou!
In this art I can see 2 versions of days, daylight and night time. But the birds or ducks in each side are different. I see towns far below and land spreading across the whole country. I see water in and windmills. With all the colours of black,grey, and white. Also what looks like castles and boats to me. If you zoom in you could see churches. Is it a illusion or is it not? I can see farms growing their plantation and houses far in the distance. Well this comes to an end of what I can describe.  If I missed any pleas comment Bellow.

Activity 2 (4 points) Overcoming Adversity

This activity I made a recount of a challenge in time where I overcame it.

For my challenge for me was Summer Learning journey in a recount. Lol
In this summer holiday I did something called Summer learning journey for the fist time.
It was fun exciting but also some where very challenging. Sure they were hard on the week 2 activities but I got through it and did it. I go use to how they work and made my way through from them. It also helps me to get ready for next year. I overcame those challenges and made my way through, and now what I have to do is add short sentences on top to tell what there about. Thank You !

Monday, December 30, 2019

Summer learning journey Day 1 Activity 3

Activity 3 (6 points)

For this Activity I chose my 3 Rivalries and their company with the names and
pictures of there creators. My favourite is SAMSUNG! Enjoy :)

Summer Learning journey Week 3 Day 1

Activity 1 (4 points)
This Activity is about Me posting a poster about 4 useful sites in my learning.
Thanks to summer learning journey! Enjoy!!!!

Activity 2 (4 points)

If I had a youtube channel it would be about,
Sea pollution,how it affects marine life, humanity and solutions to help stop it.
Also what ideas to help. Like a 5-minute craft things to recycle or other things like how to use other things instead of plastic bags. Thankyou!

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Summer learning journey Day 5 week 2

Activity 2 (4 points)

For this activity I had to rite an active act of kindness showing what I did
to help someone out.

I made breakfast for my mate in bed. He felt happy cause he didn't have to
make breakfast himself. Him being happy made me feel happy. He said thank you
and I said you welcome and the next day he actually made breakfast for me. :)

Image result for breakfast in bed

Activity 3 (6 points) last one for the week.

For this Activity we had to choose a Person from this select and the details about the person you chose.
[Bill English]
1. His name is Bill English/born 30th December 1961
2.Bill use to be the 39th prime minster from 2016-2017
3. I cannot find the answer sorry :(

THANK YOU SUMMER LEARNING JOURNEY!!! Hope you enjoyed bloggers. 

Blogged out!

Summer Learning journey Day 4 activity 4

Activity 4 (4 points)

For this Activity it is about My role model and reason why.
My role model are my parents.
Because they help me in what problems I have and work hard for us and
show good examples of what we should do.

Words of wisdom

This is my words or wisdom for my activity we did.

Wisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge 
to proper use.

Day 5 Activity 1 (4 points)

For this activity I made a Voice over of reading out my 
5 ideas of how to help the New south whales, and Australia fire problems.

Summer learning journey Week 2 Day 4

Activity 1 (4 points)


Activity 2 (4 points)

This activity was about 2 places I chose and 2 facts from each of them showing about their religion.

1. Ainu People=first fact,The Ainu are indigenous people who live in Hokkaido,Sakhalin, and on the kurill islands . (second fact, The Ainu was forced to speak Japanese and was forbidden to speak Ainu.
2.The Maya people=first fact, over 6 million live in Mezo America.
      ( second fact, The Maya people really really really love eating corn. 

Summer learning journey Week 2 Day 3

Activity 1=(4 points)

My idea to replace (KATE SHEPARD) In the 10$ note.
Image result for Jacinda Ardern I choose (Jacinda Ardern) 
{Reason}Because for the next 10 years there they will be planting 1 BILLION trees :)

Activity 2= (4 points) A story about my choice

Once back when my Dad was around 19-20 he went fishing with his cousin.
So there my Dad was fishing out in the open, when suddenly something heavy puled the line. 
He Pulled it up and was astounded of the size of the tuna they he caught. It was as big as 2.50 meters.
He told me It flipped back down in the water but it was still attached to the hook and line.
Then what happens next will destroy there catch. My Dad told me that a huge shark bit off nearly half of the FISH. (imagine the size of 2.50 meters, yup its HUGE) and the shark bit it off. My Dad said when it bit the fish the hook got stuck in its mouth so it dragged the boat from 10.PM-1.37:AM in the morning. The thing is that the boat they were on, the engine wasn't attached yet so they had giant paddles. My Dad didn't tell me the rest of the story cause he felt sleepy. First I didn't believe him. 
One day I met the same cousin from the story for the first time. He didn't have a left arm and a foot. 
I asked him how that happend. He told me the EXACT SAME STORY FROM MY DAD. But not the rest of it. I thought to myself and looked at him. The end of the story happen to you didn't it? 
At the end I asked my Dad what colour was the shark? He said it was Dark blue nearly black.
I was thinking and thought. WHAT IF IT WAS A MEGALODON. CAUSE GREAT WHITES ARE GREY AND WHITE?  Does that mean there still alive?

Activity 3=(6 points)

My book is ( I need a new butt!)
Image result for the book i need a new bumIts about a boy walking around his neighbourhood and other areas looking for a new bum LOL. ( What I like about it, its funny and makes me laugh)

Day 2 Activity 3 "I have a dream"

(6 points)

This activity was about the Black and White.

Rosa Parks was on a bus and didn't obey the law. If here were a white man a black had to move to give the white space to sit down. ( I'm not being resist okay peoples) So she got a fine and was arrested. But she didn't want to pay the fine cause she said to the law that it was wrong to make situations about the white and the black. She had friends helping her out like Martin Luther King Jr that stood up for the African Americans. And they stopped so yeah.

Thanks ! hoped you enjoy and BLOG YA LATER!!!!

Summer learning journey Week 2 Day 2 Activity 1

Activity 1 (4 points)

This activity, we imagined we were Nelson Mandala when he went to prison, and what we would write in the diary.

I arrive in my new cellar far from home in the Robben island prison. My feelings is down and depressed thinking. "Is this where i'm going to spend my life stuck in a small cellar." Being told I only get a visit once every six months pounded me. With every tiny letter I get, hope fills my heart knowing I will be okay. At least I have company from the almighty god above. "This isn't that bad" at least I got food to eat, water to drink and shelter. Marked=first week of prison (17 years and 51 more weeks to go)

Activity 2 (6 points) climate facts and other

1.Most schools started to change there topic to learning of climate change
2. Climate change doesn't just affect humanity, but everything on Earth
3.There network is led by students from cities and town across Australia

At our school we did a program called E.M.R=Education marine reserve.
One of the activities were, we went to a local creek near our community called Oakley Creek.
We did a cleanup around it to help out.
Image result for education marine reserve

Summer learning journey Week 2 Day 1 Activity 1 and 2

Activity 1 (points 4)

Activity 2

25 years, 3 months, and 2 days
First of all, 1985 +25 = 2010.
Between April and July there are 3 months,
and she was born on the 7th and got the award on the 9th.
Also there are 2 days between the 2 dates and thats how I got 

25 years, 3 months, and 2 days

Summer learning journey: Week 1 Day 5 activity 1

Activity 1=All together = (6+4+4 points)

1.(Animals and Sea life) I treasure them because they are human resources
and plus I like to help them from dying in pollution.
2.(My name) I treasure my name cause it's one of a kind, i'm named after my grandpa.
3.(My family) I treasure them cause when ever i'm in trouble there always there to lend a helping hand.

Activity 2

Yusra Is the oldest girl in the family who fled the Syrian war. She soon went to Europe to find safety there. In 2015 she, travelled across Lebanon through to Turkey. Then to Greece in an overcrowded dinghy.

She went sailing out to Sea one day and 15 mins later the engine stopped working. Luckily Yusura was a Pro at swimming. She also didn't want any of her passengers on the boat to drown. Yusura and her sister with 2 others jumped to the waves and swam a long way into the open, Saving 20 lives.

1 year later Yusura got recognised by the international Olympic swimming team committee and became the first actual member of  the refugee team.  She later competed in the Olympic games in Rio 2016 representing 65 million displaced people worldwide.

She now lives in Berlin, Germany and is focusing on her swimming career. Her aim is to compete in the 2020 olympic in Tokyo. Her messages of hope remind  us of fleeing their countries and are capable of achieving great things.

Activity 3 Day 5=Last activity of the week

My Dad and Mum.
They both work hard and comes home late with very little sleep, my Dad probable only gets 4 hour sleep a Day=very little :c

My Dad works at Port of Auckland. They move containers and use crain and ship things to other country's. My Mum works at Pak'n save.

They work day and night just to feed us and keep us safe. My parents are my heroes and 1 day I will pay it all back to them.

Summer learning journey, My Brochure about Tonga!

Summer learning journey Activity 3 Day 4

ENJOY!!!!! (6 points)

Summer learning journey Activity 1&2 Day 4

Summer learning journey activities. (4+4 points)

Summer learning journey Activity 3

Activity 3 Day 3 (6 points)

For this activity I asked my little Brother Daniel(9 years old) what he wants to be.
He said he wanted to be a Boxer.

Summer learning journey Activity 1 and 2 Day 3

Activity 1: Rugby Superstars (4+4 points)

3 super powers I would have and reasons to do with them.

1.Super strength

I could help people in need if there stuck, help move things out if were moving
or destroy everyone in rugby.

2. The power to stop time when ever

I could just freeze time and do whatever, steal nah just kidding. If there were intruders I could freeze
time and start beating them up with my super strength.

3. Flying

I could just fly my family to Tonga, fly around for fun and also scare away the birds from

Activity 2: Defying the odds

If I had an interview with LeBron james I would ask him
1.Who inspired you ?
2.Who taught you how to play Basketball?
3.Why did you choose basketball and not other sports?
4.How many times have you practised since a child?
5. And last of all would you want your children to be like you?

Poem about the Moon/Miracle about the Hudson


Week 1 Day 2

This was a fun activity I did during my summer learning journey activity and its about the difference between (Jean Batten) & (Amelia Earhart) and 3 things they did the same. (4 points)

Activity 2-3 Day 1

This is my blog about both Activitys. Come back to see more summer learning journey blogs and interesting things to learn. (4 & 6 points)

My 10 choices of food and reasons why.

Hi bloggers this is my first blog from summer learning journey! I'm so left behind cause of all my family meetings and stuff. Well this is a bog about my ten food choices to take on a voyage and reasons why I chose them. Enjoy :) =Week 1 Activity 1 Day 1 (4 points)

Friday, December 6, 2019

My Pepeha

Kia ora,
this is my practise blog for the activities on summer learning journey. This is just a quick Pepeha
of me. Well thats all for now.

Blogged out.