Activity 1 (4 points)
For today I read an Article about famous brands around NZ. Here are 23 brand names and my thoughts of if they should be changed. I did 23 cause I couldn't find 4 more.
1. Macpac 9. Factorie 17. Twenty-seven names
2. Farmers 10. Karen Walker 18. Blunt
3. Trelise cooper 11. Supre 19. Triumph & Disaster
4. Ice Breaker 12. Barkers 20.
Moustache Milk and Cookie Bar
5. Halleinstines 13. The Warehouse 21. Car Insurance
6. Glassons 14. Zambesi 22. Unpuzzle finance
7. Ricochet 15. Deadly Ponnies 23. Celebs pulse
8. Cotton on 16. All Birds
At there clothing band it is really cool like my all to favourite is Halleninstines. I think that they should keep there names cause to me it actually suits them.
Activity 2 ( 4 points)
Okay guys for this fun activity I had to draw a Tapa cloth and explain what the patterns represents.
(Here it is!)
Okay so some of the patters were from online but the rest was me. Okay so the turtle basically represents the sea turtle (obviously) and the circles on the corners are coconuts. The turtle is mixed with Maori & Tongan patterns And YEAH.